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Can't switch Preferences in Winstep-Nexus-Dock 11.5
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Author:  Winstepper [ Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Can't switch Preferences in Winstep-Nexus-Dock 11.5

Platform: Win XP Pro SP3

I recently tried Winstep-Nexus-Dock 11.5. It seems to install OK, but I cannot switch to any preference Tab other than the About Tab on the Preferences Dialog. The drop-down from the Nexus icon works, but switching Tabs on the main Preferences dialog does not work.

Any advice is warmly appreciated!

Author:  winstep [ Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can't switch Preferences in Winstep-Nexus-Dock 11.5

You're running with large fonts.

To turn that off, if I remember correctly, in XP you right click on the Desktop, select 'Properties' to get the Display Properties dialog, go to the Settings tab, Advanced, set the DPI to 96, reboot.

Author:  Winstepper [ Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can't switch Preferences in Winstep-Nexus-Dock 11.5

Thank you Jorge.

Do you mean I have to change the way I use the 178 currently installed professional applications, just to get Winstep-Nexus Dock to work?

A better solution would be to fix this issue in Winstep so it works properly for all users, regardless of their fonts and DPI.

Fortunately, there are other dock solutions.

Author:  winstep [ Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can't switch Preferences in Winstep-Nexus-Dock 11.5

Winstepper wrote:
Fortunately, there are other dock solutions.

Which also have trouble on systems running with high DPI... so good luck with that. :wink:

There is a reason why Microsoft implemented something called 'High DPI virtualization' in Vista and Windows 7 (which is not without it's problems, by the way, but a lot of effort was put into making Winstep applications work around those issues).

Then again, based on the tone of your reply above (and I was just telling you the reason of the problem you were experiencing and giving you a possible solution, by the way) I bet you're now going to accuse me of trying to talk you out of using a version of Windows that is now 10 years old. :P

Author:  Winstepper [ Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can't switch Preferences in Winstep-Nexus-Dock 11.5

Jorge, thank you for your reply.

winstep wrote:

I bet you're now going to accuse me of trying to talk you out of using a version of Windows that is now 10 years old. :P

Ha Ha! XP works fine on this 5 year old 15.4" 1680x1050 business notebook. And from recent reviews XP is still faster than Vista or Windows7. Plus I have all the drivers. And it is the most mature Microsoft OS. Referencing my OS won't solve anything.

Back to the original issue, I can't make you update your Preferences dialog so it will work with larger DPI, but I can attest to this: Winstep is the only app I have that won't switch tabs on its Preferences dialog due to any DPI issue. While the fonts display ok, the issue I have is that I cannot switch to any of the tabs to modify the associated preference. I could use the Nexus dropdown but the fullsize dialog is more convenient.

For what its worth, I promptly removed Winstep because I was unable to access the preferences from the Preferences dialog.

Author:  winstep [ Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can't switch Preferences in Winstep-Nexus-Dock 11.5

Winstepper wrote:
And from recent reviews XP is still faster than Vista or Windows7.

And Win98 is faster and uses less memory than XP, but there are a bunch of reasons why you're not using it now. :P

Winstepper wrote:
Referencing my OS won't solve anything.

Of course not, just pointing out a second work-around besides disabling large fonts: upgrade to a modern OS. :wink:

Seriously now, I wasn't aware that the tabs in Preferences had an issue in XP when large fonts were enabled: ever since the UI was changed in v9.5 nobody using XP ever complained about it, and I can't fix what I don't know about.

Now that I am aware I will fix it for the next release, of course, but since that won't be out for a while yet, I pointed out the only work-around that you can use now - provided you can work with normal font sizes. In your case you can't, and I fully understand that. Unfortunately I can't release a new version tomorrow either, and I hope you understand that too. :D

Author:  Winstepper [ Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Can't switch Preferences in Winstep-Nexus-Dock 11.5

winstep wrote:
Now that I am aware I will fix it for the next release.

That is the best any user can ever hope for. :D

Your responsiveness and attention to this issue is noteworthy and commendable. Thank you! :D :D

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