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So, what's next after v16.12?
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Author:  toniostarcevic [ Tue Feb 14, 2017 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, what's next after v16.12?

After I got my new 27" touch screen as third monitor, a multi-monitor option really starts to get important. I'm switching the primary monitor all the time, only because I need the dock and shelf. (one of the monitors is for a second workplace - it's a music making environment)
Will this be implemented by any chance in near future?

Author:  winstep [ Tue Feb 14, 2017 12:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, what's next after v16.12?

toniostarcevic wrote:
Will this be implemented by any chance in near future?

Will 'this', what? Winstep applications already are multi-monitor compatible, and have been so for many years. :P :D

Author:  toniostarcevic [ Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, what's next after v16.12?

winstep wrote:
toniostarcevic wrote:
Will this be implemented by any chance in near future?

Will 'this', what? Winstep applications already are multi-monitor compatible, and have been so for many years. :P :D

Huh? Did I overlook it? :?

Author:  winstep [ Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, what's next after v16.12?

toniostarcevic wrote:
Huh? Did I overlook it? :?

Not exactly sure how you could overlook it, but...

There are monitor settings in the Position tab of every Dock Properties dialog, in the Position tab of the Shelf Properties dialog, in the Docks & Shelves tab in Preferences, and in the right click menus for docks and the Shelf.

As for NextSTART, you can select in which monitor the taskbar appears in Preferences -> Tasks -> Taskbar Settings.

Desktop modules and hotspot buttons, just drag them to the monitor you want.

Author:  toniostarcevic [ Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, what's next after v16.12?

That's not what I meant. You can move them one by one... in this case it's even easier to change the primary monitor, since this will move all docks/shelfes at once.
I mean an option to show a dock or shelf on all monitors, or even better to specify the monitors. Like: Dock 1 and Shelf on all 3 monitors, Dock 2 only on 1 and 3, and so on.
But a "show on all monitors" option would be basically enough.

Edit: Think of a 2 seat workplace with one monitor standig 90 degrees to the other and in a distance of 5 feet.
Both seats have a keyboard and mouse. On the seat with the touch screen I use apps that support multi-touch. (of course) But sometimes I need an app from my dock or shelf also there.

Author:  winstep [ Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, what's next after v16.12?

You want 'mirror' docks... that would be a pretty good waste of space, IMO.

Anyway, you can't with the Shelf because currently there is only one Shelf, but you can already duplicate docks in the Docks & Shelf tab in Properties. Of course, if you afterwards make changes to one of the docks you will have to make the same changes to the other docks as well, but it works.

Author:  toniostarcevic [ Tue Feb 14, 2017 2:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, what's next after v16.12?

winstep wrote:
You want 'mirror' docks... that would be a pretty good waste of space, IMO.

Anyway, you can't with the Shelf because currently there is only one Shelf, but you can already duplicate docks in the Docks & Shelf tab in Properties. Of course, if you afterwards make changes to one of the docks you will have to make the same changes to the other docks as well, but it works.

How is this a waste of space? The dock overlaps some destop icons, but who needs 3 full monitors for desktop icons? The additional monitors are to spread various windows, which are in foreground anyway.
I've edited my last post and added an example how this can be useful.

Author:  seeker [ Tue Feb 14, 2017 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, what's next after v16.12?

i agree with toni, it would me useful to be able to set shelf/docks/modules to be monitor/desktop mirrored, so you don't have to switch monitors when you want to launch something

Author:  seeker [ Tue Feb 14, 2017 5:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So, what's next after v16.12?

winstep wrote:
By the way, there is a small 'Easter Egg' in the Moon calendar dialog. An hidden piece of functionality.

Kudos will go to the first one that figures it out. :)

since no one figured it out, or at least if they did they didn't post it, care to reveal what it is?

Author:  winstep [ Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, what's next after v16.12?

seeker wrote:
winstep wrote:
By the way, there is a small 'Easter Egg' in the Moon calendar dialog. An hidden piece of functionality.

since no one figured it out, or at least if they did they didn't post it, care to reveal what it is?

See the attached file? It's an alternative moon calendar background I also like.

Save it to your hard disk, then open the Moon Calendar and drag & drop the image into the scrolling background. It's an Easter Egg, so it won't 'stick' between re-openings of the calendar.

You can use any other images, of course.

Seamless1-b.jpg [ 528.15 KiB | Viewed 21401 times ]

Author:  seeker [ Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, what's next after v16.12?

oh, i tried everything, double-clicking, right-clicking, dragging every part of the calendar, but not to drop something into it :)

Author:  winstep [ Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, what's next after v16.12?

Me and Skagon posted as many hints as we could without entirely giving it away. :)

Author:  werewolf [ Sun Feb 19, 2017 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, what's next after v16.12?

Dropped that image in there... nice.
when I click on the > button, the left hand calendar does not advance to the next month as the moon phases advance.

Author:  winstep [ Sun Feb 19, 2017 2:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So, what's next after v16.12?

werewolf wrote:
when I click on the > button, the left hand calendar does not advance to the next month as the moon phases advance.

That's by design. I actually struggled a lot with this one but decided this way was better.

The main problem is that drawing/rendering/calculating all those moons in the calendar takes time. And if you are drawing 40 all at once, that would affect the smoothness of the animation every time the calendar switched to a different page.

You can still manually go back and forth by clicking the calendar arrows, by the way. What I wrote above still applies, but you won't notice it because your attention will be focused on the calendar and not on the animating moon.

Another reason is that I felt the moving day selector, combined with the moon animating, was just 'too much happening at the same time' - it would distract from the actual moon animation.

The way it is, when you stop or pause the animation THEN the calendar automatically refreshes to the correct day/month, so the selector is visible.

Author:  toniostarcevic [ Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So, what's next after v16.12?

Just found a small issue. The edge swipe activation setting should be different for horizontal and vertical docks.
So far I have only used it for my horizontal docks. But now I also have a dock at the right side of the screen. And since the edge swipe settings are global, it's very hard to activate the right dock with a swipe.
I've set the maximum of 512 pixels travel distance, which is perfect for horizontal docks, (could even be more - if you have a rather high mouse sensitivity setting) but too much for vertical ones.

In therory, I wouldn't have come up with the idea that it makes much of a difference. But just try it out. It's the combination of the effects from the half resolution in height, plus the fact that you have a greater range in moving the wrist left and right, then up and down. Makes more of a difference than you would think.

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