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Missed alerm shall not repeat later
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Author:  kdaube [ Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Missed alerm shall not repeat later

Dear developers,
I don't know how such a function is really called. I have this situation:
An alarm is scheduled for each day at 12:15.
If the computer on a day is not used (preferrable sunday) then the alarm is activated next day at start of the system (most time in the morning).
How can I avoid that this happens?

And it would also be nice to define the week-days on which the alarm should be triggered - the term work-days is not the same for all people (mon-fri, mon-sat,

Thank You

Author:  winstep [ Mon Nov 02, 2020 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Missed alerm shall not repeat later

If the computer is sleeping or hibernating, the alarm will actually wake it up at the required time (provided that option is enabled in the settings for that alarm, which it is by default).

A computer that is actually turned off, however, cannot obviously be turned on - so when it becomes active again all missed alarms will trigger, as soon as possible. This is by design so you do not miss any alarms.

The answer to your second question, however, is possibly also the answer to your first question: instead of a 'Daily' alarm, select a 'Weekly' alarm. This allows you to choose/hand pick the days of the week the alarm actually fires (e.g. Mon to Fri but not Sat and Sun).

Author:  kdaube [ Mon Nov 02, 2020 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Missed alerm shall not repeat later

Thank You very much
«select a 'Weekly' alarm. This allows you to choose/hand pick the days of the week the alarm actually fires»
→ I should have experimented more...

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