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The Coronation of TM King Charles and Queen Camilla
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Author:  nexter [ Tue May 09, 2023 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  The Coronation of TM King Charles and Queen Camilla

Now that the Coronation holidays are over, perhaps it's time for a little reflection and some appreciation and indeed praise.

To the small, or even perhaps not so small, number of anti royalists, let me first of all address this and ask them to think about this very, very carefully indeed. Are you seriously saying you would prefer to have some over-paid, corrupt or corruptible, spineless, but 'elected' politician, as a nominal head of state? You really seem to have no idea of the costs and the costs/benefits equation involved. If you do a bit of research you will soon discover that the costs are not a lot less than those of the monarchy, and the costs/benefits equation is astronomically worse. And now think carefully about what follows.

The costs the state contributes to the monarchy are almost matched by the Royal Family's own contribution to the upkeep of the monarchy and the voluntary taxes that they pay. The costs v. benefits equation furthermore more than balances out any difference. The Royals attract countless billions into the UK, not only through tourisms that is attracted to come to the UK precisely because of the the monarchy and all the associated pomp and circumstance, but moreover through attracting an awesome amount of investment in the UK. No elected figurehead of state could hope to even remotely match any of this.

This alone ought to be reason enough for anybody to be thankful that we have a monarchy and to appreciate and value it, and above all to respect it.

Economic factors and benefits aside, in King Charles III we have a King who is passionate, devoted to duty, compassionate, and who has a very great deal of wisdom - indeed, even as a very young man he already had a wise head on his shoulders and time has proved him right again and again and made his detractors look the fools they always were and the brown-nosers they have become. At a time when it was highly unfashionable to speak of environmental issues and their possible, even likely, future impact, the then Prince Charles was a lone voice of reason. And who could deny their heart was not gladdened when he spoke out against some of the excesses and utter foolishness and fallacy of modern architecture and described a certain proposed extension of an existing institution as ' a carbuncle on the face of a well-loved friend....'! The issues that the then Prince spoke out upon over the last half century are legion. And then there is the remarkable, wonderful Prince's Trust that he established and always played a very active role in. A wise and caring man indeed.

Even when I was still very young myself, I was already filled with admiration of this Prince, this man. And even at that time I always thought, here is one I should be proud to be a subject of, one I would gladly pledge my faithful allegiance to and to serve King and country. And here's a big admission to come. On principle, I am not even a natural supporter of the idea of monarchs and aristocracy and all that. But, I still always have been able to appreciate what we have in our monarchy and also always had and always will have greatest affection for and appreciation of HM The Late Queen Elizabeth II and her family, and in particular also our now King, Charles III.

And though many failed to see it at the time, I also was most happy for him when the then Prince Charles had found his true love, the then Lady Camilla Parker-Bowles. For in her I also saw a woman who would never seek to compete with her husband for attention and affection, a woman who was truly fit to become a loving, caring, supportive Queen to her husband. It gladdened my heart when HM The Late Queen determined that upon her death, the Duchess should become the Queen Consort. And I am most happy and most happy for the Royal couple that she now is Queen Camilla. A worthier Queen there could not be.

The coronation was indeed an awesome, inspiring occasion, and one has to wish TM The King and Queen a long and happy reign, and a successful one. In many ways one could almost wish that there not so many constraints put upon them as monarchs, and even that the King were to still have some real political power, given that he is such a very wise man.

As for the oath of allegiance, personally I rather wish that the religious parts came out of it, given that on the one hand very few people are still practising Christians and on the other, that nowadays we are landed with a multitude of other religions. Something more meaningful, and also reflecting this country's long rich history, and so I would suggest something that even harkens back to Anglo-Saxon days.

How about something like this : "I, (name), pledge true and faithful allegiance to His Majesty my Lord King, his heirs and successors as determined by law. This do I swear gladly upon my life, Lord. Long live The King!" All that kneeling on one knee, hands folded on the other knee and head bowed in front of the monarch or his representative or portrait, something like that, anyway. And a variation of that which would include pledging "true and faithful allegiance to the United Kingdom" (perhaps also service to its community?) could be used in citizenship ceremonies. One oath for everyone. (And one law for everyone!)

I should like to conclude by wishing TM King Charles and Queen Camilla long and happy life and reign. May they continue to make a difference.

Long live The King! Long live His Queen!

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